Design News
Web 2.0 how-to design style guide
Analysis of Web 2.0 design style elements, why they work, how and when to use them
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Top 7 Freshest Designs of 2006
2006 was the year of Web 2.0 design and pretty much that type of design got old real quick
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Introducing Operator
A new Firefox plugin that does some very cool stuff by extracting microformats, then using that information on various sites and applications
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5 Tips for Hiding Your Email Address from Spammers
If your email address is on the internet, spammers will get it.
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CSS and Web development search engines
I'm aware of three custom search engines of interest for Web professionals
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10 Years of CSS
In 2006, the W3C proudly celebrates 10 years of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Great achievements. Congrats and thanks!
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